
⭕SearchingLastActivityinAdvancedSearch:Findingcontacts/candidatesbasedonLastActivitydatesallowsyoutotargetcontactsandre-engagethem....4.,ThereisalinknamedCtoDthatstartsatactivityCinsequenceYandendsatactivityD,whichisdirectlynestedintheenclosingflow.,Myunderstandingisthatlastactivitydateisthelastdateandtimeofanote,call,salesemail,meeting,task,orchatbysomeoneinyourorganization.Last ...,LastActiv...

Last Activity Date

⭕ Searching Last Activity in Advanced Search: Finding contacts/candidates based on Last Activity dates allows you to target contacts and re-engage them. ... 4.

last actIvIty - 英中

There is a link named CtoD that starts at activity C in sequence Y and ends at activity D, which is directly nested in the enclosing flow.

Last activity date vs Last contacted

My understanding is that last activity date is the last date and time of a note, call, sales email, meeting, task, or chat by someone in your organization. Last ...

Last Activity Types

Last Activity Types When a contact interacts with a site, the interaction is captured in lastActivity in the contact object. The table below shows the ...

Differences between Last Activity and Last Modified Dates

2022年7月21日 — Last Modified. The date and timestamp for changes made to an individual record, including the User who made the change. Last Activity.

Last account activity

Last account activity. You can see your sign-in history, including the dates and times that your Gmail account was used. You can also see the IP addresses which ...

Can anyone please explain what is the difference between ...

2023年8月23日 — Last Activity: This is the date and time of the most recent interaction with your website or app by the user who converted. This could be a ...

What is the Recent activity page?

The Recent activity page shows you when and where you've used your Microsoft account within the last 30 days. You can expand any listed activity to see ...

Last Activity – WordPress 外掛

Keep Tracks of each plugin's last active datetime, helpful to find obsolete plugins for deletion. Features: No Complex Settings; WP Settings Date Timezone; View ...


LastActivityView is a tool for Windows operating system that collects information from various sources on a running system, and displays a log of actions made ...